## enable thai keyboard setxkbmap -layout us,th -option grp:toggle xxkb &The command setxkbmap is setting layout to US(us) as the first layout and Thai (th) as second. I choose right-alt key to switch the layout by using option 'grp:toggle'. Learn more about other layouts or options, look at the file '/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst'. You might want to read resources I listed at the end of the post too.
The second command xxkb will give you a layout switcher and indicator on your panel. Make sure you have the "&" at the end of the line, otherwise the autostart won't finished. The xxkb need a config file '.xxkbrc' in your home directory. Here is mine:
XXkb.mainwindow.enable: yes XXkb.mainwindow.appicon: yes XXkb.mainwindow.type: tray XXkb.mainwindow.in_tray: yes XXkb.mainwindow.geometry: 16x16+0+0 XXkb.mainwindow.label.enable: yes XXkb.mainwindow.label.text.1: us XXkb.mainwindow.label.text.2: th XXkb.mainwindow.label.background: black XXkb.mainwindow.label.foreground: white XXkb.mainwindow.label.font: -misc-*-r-*-14-* XXkb.controls.two_state: no XXkb.group.alt: 2 XXkb.group.base: 1 XXkb.button.enable: no XXkb.bell.enable: noCertainly, I do not know all the options for the .xxkbrc, but at least I need to match the *.label.text.1 to us, and *.label.text.2 to th. It's the order of layout that I set in setxkbmap. If you prefer graphic, instead of text, read [1]. Surely, you can play around with foreground, background, and font.
This setup will give you a user level setup. It's won't stay around when you logout of your acccount. To do system-wise setup, you need to twist your X-window configuration files, and I won't get into that in this post.
Here some resources that I fine helpful. Thanks for reading :)
[1] http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/12727/keyboard-layout-switcher-and-indicator-for-usqwertyusdvorak/
[2] http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?s=a893694385754994b12f193e01a5af91&t=10500
[3] http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=25506
[4] http://betabug.ch/blogs/ch-athens/1242
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